Dear Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA Community,
Like you, we are aware of the growing number of cases of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are following the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and local health officials for news and advice on next steps. The Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA, like many institutions, will be closely monitoring and adhering to the advice of public health agencies.
Understanding that the coronavirus is transmitted like the common flu virus and can be easily eliminated with good cleaning and personal hygiene practices, The Wilkes-Barre Y, will continue daily active cleaning of surfaces in conjunction with nightly deep cleaning and sanitation of our facilities and equipment. Our primary form of cleaning at closing and all throughout the day in child care is through the application of a bleach/water solution (as approved by the EPA and CDC). In our fitness centers we provide P-4D a disinfectant & viricidal cleaner for our members and staff to use throughout the day when wiping down equipment.
Additionally, to ensure the well-being of everyone in our facilities, we are requiring that all members and guests follow CDC guidelines with particular attention to:
- If you or someone in your household has a fever, do not enter our facilities.
- Stay home if you are sick or have potentially been exposed to the virus.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes and mouth.
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. All child care students are to wash hands upon entry and exit of a youth education center.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces, including wiping down equipment before and after use.
- If soap and water are not available, use 60% or higher alcohol- based hand sanitizer, available in our facilities.
We are in the process of increasing additional boxes of tissues, receptacles, and hand sanitizer throughout our facility to make adherence to the guidelines easier.
You can find additional resources about the coronavirus on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website which is updated frequently with information about the coronavirus.
The safety of our members, guests and staff remains a priority and we are committed to taking all precautionary measures to ensure your well-being.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions or concerns.
Jim Thomas