YMCA Merger FAQs
Please browse our list of frequently asked questions to find the answer you’re looking for.
Will my membership price change?
No. Changes will not be made to memberships until Jan 1st; membership
changes will be evaluated within the next 90 days. You will have FULL access to both facilities and their respective offerings at your current membership price point through the first of the year.
Will this affect my current scholarship?
No. Changes will not be made to memberships until Jan 1st; membership changes will be evaluated within the next 90 days. This includes scholarship benefits.
Am I now a full member at both locations?
Yes! Your membership at either location is now membership for both locations. We welcome you to use both facilities at your leisure.
What benefits will I have when both locations have joined?
Lots! You will now have the best offerings for you and your family! Check out both locations to find the most suitable swim lesson times, group exercise classes, equipment, lap lanes, and more. With more options you can make choices that fit your schedule and enjoy the most of your membership.
Will classes/lessons/programs be affected?
No. Class, lesson, and program offerings and protocols will not be changing at this time.
It is our goal to take the very best of each of our YMCAs and develop it so everyone can enjoy the same experience at both locations. We believe over time you will see changes and we will communicate them to you in a timely manner. Be sure to sign up for email updates and follow us on social media for the most up-to-date information.
Does this mean that Pittston will be closing?
No. The Greater Pittston YMCA is not closing.
Will my child have access to programming at both locations?
You and your child will have the option to register for programming at either of our locations. Program registration will be site specific, so you will need to register at the location where you intend to complete the program.
Why are we merging?
We have been presented with a unique opportunity to better serve a wider population by combining the Pittston and Wilkes-Barre YMCAs, strengthening our communities by merging our branches. We are #StrongerTogether.