Have fun, stay active, keep learning and enjoy yummy, FREE lunches and snacks all summer long. We will be “Serving up Summer” at 7 locations throughout the city: Grab-and-go lunches and grab-and-go fun summer activities.
Coal Street Park: Coal Street & North Sherman Street
Iron Triangle Playground: Corner of Hickory Street & Metcalf Street
Huber Park: Stanton and Huber Streets
Madison/Flood Park: N. Washington Street and E. Maple Street
McGlynn Learning Center Boulevard Townhomes: 72 Midland Court
McGlynn Learning Center Mineral Springs Village: 233 Eastview Drive
The Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA: 40 W. Northampton Street
Monday through Friday, 10:00am-2:00pm
Beginning Monday, June 22, 2020 & ending Friday August 14th, 2020
Lunch served 11:30 PM– 1:00pm each day while supplies are available
Who can receive lunches and activities? Any kids, K-12. Preschool age children are welcome to receive snacks and lunch, but MUST be accompanied by an adult OVER 16.
Is registration required? Not at all! Stop by the parks any day.
What will the kids do? Children will receive a grab-and-go lunch, and fun summer activities to take home, including art, reading, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) enrichment.