Updated: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Effective as of July 14, 2020
In accordance with the latest order signed by Dr. Lavine, all staff and members are required to wear a mask at all times while inside the YMCA.
As you know, mask-wearing requirements amid the coronavirus pandemic set forth by Governor Wolf, make it mandatory that all PA residents wear a mask anytime they leave home. Please take a moment to ensure you are fully aware of our amended safety protocols regarding masks. Please note, the guidelines below are subject to change.
Mask Protocol While Inside the Facility:
- All members must wear a mask upon entering the facility
- Masks are to remain on throughout facility usage and especially within common areas such as the fitness center, studios, locker rooms, pool decks, hallways, etc.
- Masks are to be removed upon entering the water of the pool and are to remain off during pool usage
- Indoor athletics are paused as this physical activity cannot be performed safely while wearing a mask
Your workout routine may now look like this:
- Enter the Y, wearing a mask
- Clean equipment before use using your individual spray bottle
- Complete exercise
- Clean equipment after use using your individual spray bottle
- Move to next piece of equipment while wearing your mask the entire time
Mask Protocol While Outside the Facility:
- Masks are not required to be worn when outside the facility and socially distant.
- Members participating in outdoor group exercise classes, and remain socially distant, do not need to wear a mask.
Indoor Group Exercise On Hold
- All indoor group exercise classes are paused until further notice
- All outdoor and online group exercise classes will continue as scheduled
- Please stay tuned for additional outdoor and online offerings coming soon
Childcare Protocol
- All childcare participants will adhere to the policy set forth by the Childcare Director
Non-compliance Information
- We understand when engaged in high intensity activities, wearing a cloth face covering may cause difficulty breathing
- If you are not able to safely perform any activity, we kindly ask you to modify your workout or change your location
- We are still offering outdoor and online options for all members
- Anyone not following mask protocols will receive a warning. Two warnings will result in a one week suspension from the Y. A third warning will result in member termination without refund.
All YMCA staff will continue to wear masks, except when outside.
We have learned many things through the pandemic, one of which is the need to adapt and readapt in response to a constantly changing environment. With this in mind, we will continually evaluate our procedures and safety protocols and readjust accordingly, following state mandates and our local health department requirements, and always with you in mind.
We appreciate your adherence to our protocols as well as your care and consideration for your fellow Y members, and your patience as we all adapt. We are all in this together, and together we are better!
Facility Hours
Monday-Friday: 5:30am – 7pm
Saturday: 8am – 4pm
Sunday: 8am – 12pm
- All staff are thoroughly trained on COVID transmission prevention and new cleaning protocols prior to working in facilities
- Only active Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA, Greater Pittston YMCA and Greater Scranton YMCA may enter the facility
- Members will be screened before entering facility (health questions and temperature checks)
- Members self-scan upon entry (staff will not handle cards, phones, or any other person’s belongings)
- Members self-scan check-out upon leaving the facility
- All staff, members and vendors will be asked to wash and/or sanitize hands upon entry and exit
- Staff will be asked to wash their hands frequently
- Numbers will be controlled throughout the building
- Staff required to wear PPE (eg. mask, gloves in certain areas); members required to wear a mask at all times while in the facility with few exceptions
- All staff, members and vendors who are unwilling to comply with the Y’s COVID transmission prevention measure will be asked to leave the facility immediately
- Entire facility will be cleaned and disinfected prior to opening and after closing each day.
- All equipment, areas, spaces, surfaces, etc. will be cleaned throughout the day (minimum of every two hours) and before opening and after closing. Members are asked to use the provided cleaning supplies to clean equipment before and after each use.
- Cardio and strength areas open with significant restrictions on capacity and activities – Read more https://wbymca.org/schedules/wellness-center/
- Only no touch bottle filling available
- Daily Childcare (separated from general membership)
- Seating areas significantly reduced to prevent gathering
- One chair per table
- Furniture repositioned to be at least six feet apart
- Adult Men’s & Women’s Locker Rooms
- Studio X by reservation only – Read more https://wbymca.org/schedules/wellness-center/
- Pool – Read More https://wbymca.org/schedules/pool/
- Lobby areas-Remove seating
- Steam rooms, saunas, whirlpools
- Child Watch area for members
- Group Exercise Studio and Spin Room
- Services not provided: equipment (basketballs, racquets & balls, etc.)
- No Pickleball, Basketball, Volleyball, etc.
- Henry Gym and Middle Gym (closed for Child care use)
- All group activities in facilities may be limited and/or cancelled including, but not limited to all group exercise classes, swim lessons, water aerobics, swim team, Active Older Adults programming, Boot Camp, Basketball, Volleyball, etc)
- Traditional circuit training prohibited (individuals may only use one piece of equipment at a time)
- Studio X is single use or family (by appointment only)
- Pickleball closed
- Rigid social/physical distancing practices and policies
- Individual level activities only
- Barriers installed in Welcome Center
- Hand sanitizer placed throughout the building
- Facility and equipment thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily (before opening, after closing each day and throughout the day)
- One-way indoor traffic patterns implemented where feasible
- Members will be REQUIRED to clean any equipment they use before and after each use
- Spacing markers on floors to keep everyone at least 6ft apart
- Signage installed and staff monitoring all areas with more than one member to enforce social distancing practices
- Equipment spaced to maintain appropriate social distance
- Limit facility/areas to 50% of capacity
- Members, vendors and staff will wash/sanitize hands upon entry and exit
- Staff will wash hands frequently
- All staff required to wear PPE; members strongly encouraged to wear PPE
- Members’ and staff personal belongings stored in designated areas only (no personal belongings may be left out in the open)
- Fever checks of all staff, members and vendors upon entry
- Any individual who displays any symptom of an illness may not enter the building